6 Security Trends to Learn From in 2020
Data is commonly a company’s most valuable resource, and the level of effort made to protect it often means the difference between success and failure. In its Annual Data Security Report, GetApp surveyed 83 IT security managers to determine the top data security trends businesses should learn from going into the new year.
- Remote work security is a top vulnerability. Every facet of life has been affected by COVID-19, including data security. Companies are urged to develop work-from-home policies and adopt software tools that ensure data is safe when accessed remotely.
- Breaches are four times more likely for businesses allowing full data access. Employees should be allowed only the minimum level of data access needed to perform their jobs. Even something as simple as securing folders within Windows or limiting access to a shared Google Drive will strengthen security and decrease the chances of a data breach.
- Data classification is not enough on its own. Sixty-two percent of companies with a data classification policy still provided employees access to more data than they needed. To protect data, companies must implement data classification policies and lock down access.
- Cyberattacks continue to rise. Phishing schemes, account takeovers and ransomware attacks continue to hit businesses. Security Awareness Training can help employees recognize warning signs and stop these attacks before they strike.
- Multifactor Authentication becomes more popular. The use of biometric data security measures increased from 27% in 2019 to 53% in 2020. This sharp increase may be driven in part by the increased use of laptops and mobile devices to support remote work, as these devices commonly include fingerprint and facial recognition security features.
- Virtual training is the new norm. Offline modes of training, such as on-the-job and classroom instruction, saw decreases across the board. In contrast, the use of digital training tools (online training programs, webinars, etc.) saw an equivalent increase. 17% of businesses are even using Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality for training purposes.
Cybersecurity is more than just access controls and technology. It’s a mindset that starts with education and ends with execution. Stop cyberattacks in their tracks with YYTECH’s Security Awareness Training. Our training solution showcases best practices for a company’s first line of defense — its employees — and teaches them how to detect and prevent cyberattacks.
Source: GetApp Annual Security Report