ESSER II Funds for Educational Technology Upgrades

ESSER II Funds for Educational Technology Upgrades


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It is essential for school districts to use remaining Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) II funds wisely.

Districts can apply ESSER funding to a wide range of items, including educational technology such as hardware, software, and connectivity.

It might be time to invest in new technology if your existing systems:

  • Don’t support both on- and off-site instruction
  • Distract from the learning environment rather than enhance it
  • Are cumbersome, difficult to maintain, or incompatible with new software updates

If your district is considering technology equipment upgrades, please reach out to Yeo & Yeo Technology. Our education-specialized consultants can cost-effectively procure and configure desktop and network computers, printers, charging carts, servers, and more.  

As a Regional Educational Media Center Association of Michigan (REMC SAVE) Awarded Vendor, we also offer numerous products at special, pre-approved bid pricing.

Contact us for more information about our hardware solutions or request a proposal today. 

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