IT planning for 2018
The time of the year to start your IT planning for 2018 is here. Much like 2016, in 2017, security was a major focus at Yeo & Yeo Technology and we believe that security is going to be a focus for years to come.
This is a great time to review your needs. As many of us look at our budgets for 2018, we feel it’s important to consider the following:
Security Upgrades: Staying current is important and making room in your budget for security upgrades is vital. Many of the tools we use, like Microsoft Office, automatically receive upgrades and you need to be sure your computers are getting them. Some of you may have an IT staff in place while others may need managed services. Keeping up with all of the patches that are released can be daunting and many of you are going to need assistance.
Next-Generation Antivirus: While looking into your security infrastructure, it’s also good to look at new that’s making its way into the industry. One we have been keeping an eye on is Next-Generation Antivirus (NGAV). Hackers are constantly inventing and innovating ways to steal our vital information. This is where NGAV has entered the market.
There are countless ways NGAV benefits users. The biggest benefit being protection going beyond just malware attacks. For many years, traditional antivirus was enough. Not anymore. Many organizations, with good traditional antivirus, fall victim to ransomware-type attacks that go undetected by standard antivirus . NGAV incorporates the industry’s newest features that target the tools, techniques, tactics, and procedures used every day by both mass scale opportunistic attackers and targeted advanced threats.
Ransomware: We have hit on Ransomware a lot this year. However, there is a reason for that – it continues to grow. We have some tips on prevention and what to do if you believe your system is infected.
Preventative Measures
- Do not follow unsolicited web links in email messages or submit any information to webpages in links.
- Use caution when opening email attachments.
- Keep operating systems and third-party software, including anti-virus, up-to-date with the latest patches.
- Perform regular backups of all systems/data to avoid serious consequences should your system fall under attack. Testing of your backup should be done monthly.
If you believe your system may be infected with the CryptoLocker Malware, follow these steps
- Immediately disconnect the infected system from the wireless or wired network. This may prevent the malware from further encrypting any more files on the network
- Change your passwords AFTER removing the malware from your system
- Users infected with the malware should consult with a reputable security expert to assist in removing the malware, or users can retrieve encrypted files by restoring from backup, restoring from a shadow copy or by performing a system restore
Updating Your PC: Every year it’s important to consider the state of your PC. Hardware and software are always getting better and both need to be considered when looking at your budget. Consider the following:
- Does your PC still have enough storage?
- How old is your PC?
- Is it running slow?
- Is your software up to date?
Most small and medium sized businesses don’t spend nearly as much on IT as they should. In a 2015 study by Alinean, Inc., the average small business spends 6.9 percent of revenue on IT while medium sized businesses spend just over 4 percent. Gartner said that IT spending decreased 0.5 percent in 2016. Everyone has a budget they need to stick to but there should always be room for keeping your IT current, updated and secure.