Mobile CRM Can Lower Your Cost of Sales by 15 percent
In addition to solving unique business challenges, Mobile CRM offers several unique benefits, one of which is lowering the cost of sales by up to 15 percent.
There are several methods by which Mobile CRM can contribute to a lower cost of sales.
For instance, Mobile CRM allows information to be immediately requested and retrieved, which streamlines and even accelerates sales and service processes
and improves the mobile user’s ability for on-the-spot problem solving.
Many to-dos and follow-up action items that used to be done offline can be eliminated as problem resolution can be initiated in real time.
Also, closing sales with fewer interactions keep sales people working on new opportunities that build revenues.
In addition to the benefits like, lower cost of sales, higher sales pipeline velocity, and faster inventory turns accelerated sales cycles allow your
company to generate more revenue and your sales people to earn more commissions.
To learn more about the advantages, benefits, challenges and considerations of mobile CRM solutions: Download the Mobile CRM: Advantages, Benefits, Challenges and Considerations white paper today.
You can also contact Yeo & Yeo Technology and speak to a representative.