Beware of “Council for Corporations” Corporate Records Service Scam
The “Corporate Records Service” scam has resurfaced. Michigan businesses are receiving an official-looking form called the “Annual Records Solicitation Form” from the “Michigan Council for Corporations.” Although this document looks like an official government form, the Michigan Council for Corporations is not a government agency. They are soliciting business to maintain a record of corporate shareholders and directors on behalf of the company for $150. They are not filing or otherwise satisfying any Michigan corporate requirements.
It is advised you disregard this deceptive notice as it is not from the State of Michigan, and Michigan corporations are not required by law to file corporate records with LARA’s Corporations, Securities & Commercial Licensing Bureau.
Similar deceptive solicitation mailings have also occurred in several other states. These entities operate under identical or similar names and request fees ranging from $125, $150, $175 to $239 for the completion and submittal of annual corporate records.
Legitimate notices and mailings to Michigan corporations are issued from LARA’s Corporations Division and mailed to the resident agent at the registered office address on record. When receiving any official-looking document, please review it carefully and read the small print. If you are not sure, please contact the LARA Corporations, Securities and Commercial Licensing Bureau at 517.241.6470.