Participate in Yeo & Yeo’s 2017 National Manufacturing Outlook Survey
Yeo & Yeo CPAs & Business Consultants is asking for manufacturing company owners and managers to participate in the second Yeo & Yeo / Leading Edge Alliance (LEA) National Manufacturing Outlook Survey. The survey results will provide valuable benchmarking data for manufacturers.
This short (< 25 questions) survey asks about manufacturing companies’ performance this year, managers’ expectations for next year, and the strategies that high-performing manufacturers find most effective. Individual responses will be kept strictly confidential. The survey closes on October 30. In January, the resulting aggregate report will be available on Yeo & Yeo’s website, providing insightful industry data as manufacturing companies plan for 2018.
The leader of Yeo & Yeo’s Manufacturing Services Group, Amy Buben, says, “Small and medium-size manufacturers rely on their trusted advisors and each other more than ever. Last year’s survey results were valuable for companies to compare their operation with others and see the trends. We expect that this year’s survey results will be even more beneficial, giving insight into the strategies that manufacturers are planning for 2018.”
Also, by completing the survey, participants will be entered for a chance to win one of six $300 Visa or Mastercard gift cards.
Click here to participate in Yeo & Yeo’s 2017 National Manufacturing Outlook Survey.
This project is in partnership with LEA Global and is being conducted in association with leading accounting firms across the country. Please contact Yeo & Yeo if you have questions or concerns.