Yeo & Yeo to Present at Michigan School Business Officials Conference
The Michigan School Business Officials Annual Conference will be held at the DeVos Place in Grand Rapids, April 21-23. Members of Yeo & Yeo’s Education Services Group will present three of the sessions. We welcome you to join us to gain new insights into managing your Michigan school.
PTO and Booster Groups: On or Off the District’s Books?
– Jennifer Watkins, CPA
Get answers to common questions about booster and Parent Teacher Organizations (PTO) groups’ financial reporting and how your district’s involvement impacts your GASB 84 reporting requirements.
The ABCs of Federal Program Compliance and Accounting Along with Preparing for Your Audit
– Kristi Krafft-Bellsky, CPA
Learn everything you need to have in place for a successful federal program audit, which includes examples of policies and procedures to meet the federal requirements. Understand how to prepare your Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards (SEFA) and prepare for your audit (including single audit). Get examples of necessary documents and common findings.
IT Vendor Fraud
– Taylor Diener, CPA
Technology directors work with many vendors to secure the equipment and services for their district. Sometimes they are put in unexpected situations with vendors that may make it easy to fall into a fraud trap. Understand Information Technology (IT) vendor fraud and ways to mitigate those risks through necessary controls.
We encourage you to attend. Register and learn more about the MSBO Annual Conference.